
$ npm install -g db-migrate

DB-Migrate is now available to you via:

$ db-migrate

As local module

Want to use db-migrate as local module?

$ npm install db-migrate

DB-Migrate is now available to you via:

$ node node_modules/db-migrate/bin/db-migrate

Basic Usage

Usage: db-migrate [up|down|reset|create|db] [[dbname/]migrationName|all] [options]

Down migrations are run in reverse run order, so migrationName is ignored for down migrations.
Use the --count option to control how many down migrations are run (default is 1).

  --env, -e                   The environment to run the migrations under.    [default: "dev"]
  --migrations-dir, -m        The directory containing your migration files.  [default: "./migrations"]
  --count, -c                 Max number of migrations to run.
  --dry-run                   Prints the SQL but doesn't run it.              [boolean]
  --verbose, -v               Verbose mode.                                   [default: false]
  --config                    Location of the database.json file.             [default: "./database.json"]
  --force-exit                Call system.exit() after migration run          [default: false]
  --sql-file                  Create sql files for up and down.               [default: false]
  --coffee-file               Create a coffeescript migration file            [default: false]
  --migration-table           Set the name of the migration table.
  --table, --migration-table                                                  [default: "migrations"]